
iPad SDK : The Structure of Core Text

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12/28/2010 3:12:57 PM
Earlier versions of iOS provided a few ways to render text in your own custom views: make a UILabel of your view, or tell an NSString to draw its contents in a view. But these approaches are somewhat limited. There's no way to specify font, color, or other attributes of a substring to be rendered, for instance. So, if you wanted to render some bold text within a paragraph, you would need to first render everything that came before the bold text, determine the CGPoint where the rendering ended, render the bold portion, calculate its end point, start rendering the next piece, and so on. And, of course, at each step, you would need to check to see if you're wrapping to the next line; if so, you would need to start over from there with the rest of the string.

In short, dealing with long strings, or strings with varied styles throughout, has really been kind of a pain in iOS. The level of complexity in laying out rich text is almost on par with laying out a web page, which is the solution that many iPhone applications are built around when displaying styled text, using a UIWebView to do the layout. But there are problems with that approach as well. UIWebView is a fairly "heavy" class, which can take a while to load and display content—even content that's stored locally on the device.

With Core Text, you now have a chance to skip the web view, and just draw text directly into any graphics context you like. Figure 1 shows an example of some text rendered in Dudel using Core Text.

Figure 1. Dudel now includes basic text rendering.

Note that Core Text is a fairly low-level way to deal with a piece of text. iOS still doesn't offer anything that is as versatile as the NSTextView class in Mac OS X, which will also let you edit rich text, setting fonts and colors as you like. The presence of Core Text is, however, a good step in the right direction. And it's quite possible that Apple or a third party will soon leverage it to provide a general-purpose GUI class for editing rich text.

The Structure of Core Text

Before we start making use of Core Text in our code, an overview of how it works is in order. Unlike most of the new APIs discussed in the book, Core Text is a C-based API, rather than a set of Objective-C classes. For its "home environment" of Mac OS X, it was designed to be a unified API that could be used easily from both Cocoa applications written in Objective-C and Carbon applications written mainly in C and C++. However, like most other modern C-based APIs present in Mac OS X and iOS, Core Text is written in a way that is as close to object-orientation with C as possible, using opaque types for all its structures and accessing those structures only through a comprehensive set of functions. So it's fairly painless.

Core Text allows you work with it on a variety of levels. The simplest way lets you take a text string and a rectangle, and with a few lines of code, have the text rendered for you. If you want more fine-grained control, it's possible to reach in and tweak the rendering a bit as well, but most of the time, the high-level functionality is all you'll need. You'll access this through an opaque type called CTFramesetter and its associated functions. You create a CTFramesetter by passing a special kind of string called an attributed string to the CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString() function, then create another Core Text object called a CTFrame by passing the CTFramesetter and a CGPath (containing just a rectangle) to the CTFramesetterCreateFrame() function, and finally render the result with a call to the CTFrameDraw() function. Figure 2 shows how these different pieces fit together.

Figure 2. The basic Core Text workflow

An attributed string consists of a string and some metadata describing formatting attributes for portions of the string. For instance, you might want to render text where some words are underlined, bold, or in a different font or color. Attributed strings give you a concrete way to represent this sort of thing. In iOS, attributed strings are represented by the Objective-C class NSAttributedString and the C type CFAttributedStringRef. These are toll-free bridged to one another, so you can use them interchangeably.


In both iOS and Mac OS X, there are some kinds of entities that are said to be toll-free bridged to one another. This typically refers to an Objective-C class and an opaque C type. In a nutshell, this means that the types are equivalent, and that any function or method that accepts one of them will work just as well with the other (though you may need to do some manual casting to satisfy the compiler). Many of the types that are used in the Core Foundation C library, such as CFString, CFArray, and so on, are toll-free bridged to a similarly named counterpart in Objective-C's Foundation framework.

The Core Foundation types are all opaque types, which means that each of them is really a pointer to a structure whose contents you, as a user of the API, shouldn't be concerned with. As a way of highlighting the fact that you're dealing with references rather than with the structures themselves, the opaque types defined in Core Foundation have the suffix Ref on the end of each type name. The following lines illustrate the concept of passing bridged types around.

NSString *objcString;  // assume this exists.
CFStringRef cfString; // this too.

functionThatWantsCFString(cfString); // this is fine,
functionThatWantsCFString((CFStringRef)objcString); // and so is this!

[objcString length]; // this returns an integer,
[(NSString *)cfString length]; // and so does this!

The opaque types created by Core Foundation abide by the same memory management rules as Objective-C objects do: You're required to release anything that you create or retain. However, whenever you create these objects from C functions instead of Objective-C methods, you should always manage them using functions like CFRetain() and CFRelease(), instead of the retain and release methods. This is partly to be stylistically consistent, but also because some of them may not actually be Objective-C objects at all.

As an example, let's look at some code that creates an NSAttributedString from an NSString, and assigns a bold attribute to a part of the string.

NSString *myString = @"A dingo stole my baby!";
NSMutableAttributedString *attrString =
[[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:myString] autorelease];
[attrString addAttribute:(NSString *)(kCTForegroundColorAttributeName)
value:(id)[UIColor redColor].CGColor
range:NSMakeRange(0, [myString length])];

The specified attribute name, kCTForegroundColorAttributeName, defines which attribute of the text we're setting, and then we pass in a value to set for that attribute and the range of the text to cover. In this case, we're just making it all red, but you can do whatever you like. The Core Text String Attributes Reference, included with the SDK, contains a list of all the attributes that apply, their meanings, and the type of values expected for each. In addition to color, you can set fonts, paragraph styles, and more.

Once you've created an attributed string, all you really need to do is create a CTFramesetter, use that to generate CTFrame, and tell it to draw itself.

CTFramesetterRef framesetter =

CTFrameRef frame = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetter,
                                            CFRangeMake(0, [attrString length]),
myCGPath, // the rect to draw into
CTFrameDraw(frame, graphicsContext); // needs a graphics context to draw into

This code is taken out of context, and will need some help before it will really do anything. The next section will provide some context for it, in the form of a new Text tool for Dudel.
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